Made in Wigan

Made in Wigan

What is Made in Wigan?

It’s an opportunity for any person from within the community to turn an individual interest or raw skill into a valued product or service.

Then to work with other people, to create new, or expand existing, community businesses.

Businesses that not only add value and trade with the local and wider community, but that in turn generate further revenue, jobs and commerce.

Jonny's Journey

At just twelve years old Jonathan Ashcroft suffered life changing injuries when a car struck him whilst returning home from school.Now in his mid-twenties, his road to recovery has not only been a physical test but a mental test. One which resulted in social isolation and a reluctance to entertain the possibility of exposure to any further risk no matter how small.Nevertheless Jonny tentatively met with Made in Wigan's David Baxter to discuss the creation of a Community Business dedicated to developing skills in people with an interest in wood and metal working and as a result of that initial meeting the Men's Sheds Community Business was born.